Quando temos mais de um código fonte vou colocá-lo dentro do mesmo projeto ?
Se o código é pertinente ao mesmo projeto faz sentido, se é parte de outro projeto vai acabar criando confusão ... O help do MPLAB me parece esclarecedor:
Projects and Workspaces --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Two major features of MPLAB IDE are projects and workspaces.
project contains the files needed to build an application (source code, linker script files, etc.) along with their associations to various build tools and build options.
workspace contains information on the selected device, debug tool and/or programmer, open windows and their location and other IDE configuration settings.
The best way to set up your project and its associated workspace is by using the Project Wizard. This will set up one project in one workspace.
To set up more advanced applications, you may set up your project and workspace manually.
You can take advantage of the workspace setup and open multiple projects in one workspace. Also, you can tailor each project in a multiple-project workspace to create one part of a larger application (concurrent projects).
If you are working with a single assembly file application, you can use Quickbuild (Project>Quickbuild) to assemble your code and not create a project. You will, however, have an associated workspace, so your settings will be saved.
No caso do ROV eu consideraria Tx e RX projetos diferentes que podem ser tratados em um mesmo