Acho que o Joystick é o mesmo, pois tomei cuidado ao comprar para não ter este tipo de problema. Comprei o mesmo código ( Cód. 1022) ...
To achando que o meu Ubuntu é que ta reconhecendo algumas coisas que o Joystick nem tem... Vou tentar mexer no arquivo...
Acho que tenho que substituir todos encoder.2. por encoder.3. - Seria isso?
# joypad.hal -- hal configuration file to move a cnc machine using a joypad
# [JOG]
# Components
# We will use hal_joystick to read the axis value (float) for X Y Z, we will send these values to the
# speed pin of a sim-encoder component, for X Y Z, this component outputs Phase-A and Phase-B
# just like a real quadrature rotary encoder. We will decode those signals with an encoder
component for X Y Z
# and will send the result counts value to the axis jog pin for X Y Z.
# Load the hal_joystick component that creates joypad.axis.<n> and joypad.button.<n> pins
loadusr hal_joystick -d /dev/input/js0 -p joypad
# Load three encoder and three sim_encoder components
loadrt encoder num_chan=3
loadrt sim_encoder num_chan=3
# Create links between the axis pins and the speed pin of the sim-encoder for X Y Z
net velX joypad.axis.0 => sim-encoder.0.speed
net velY joypad.axis.1 => sim-encoder.1.speed
net velZ joypad.axis.2 => sim-encoder.2.speed
# Create links between sim-encoder Phase-A and Phase-B and encoder Phase-A and Phase-B for X
net XA sim-encoder.0.phase-A => encoder.0.phase-A
net XB sim-encoder.0.phase-B => encoder.0.phase-B
net YA sim-encoder.1.phase-A => encoder.1.phase-A
net YB sim-encoder.1.phase-B => encoder.1.phase-B
net ZA sim-encoder.2.phase-A => encoder.2.phase-A
net ZB sim-encoder.2.phase-B => encoder.2.phase-B
# Create links between encoder counts and jog counts for X Y Z
net countX encoder.0.counts => axis.0.jog-counts
net countY encoder.1.counts => axis.1.jog-counts
net countZ encoder.2.counts => axis.2.jog-counts
# Set parameter values
setp encoder.0.position-scale 1
setp encoder.0.x4-mode TRUE
setp encoder.1.position-scale 1
setp encoder.1.x4-mode TRUE
setp encoder.2.position-scale 1
setp encoder.2.x4-mode TRUE
setp encoder.capture-position.tmax 0
setp encoder.update-counters.tmax 0
setp sim-encoder.0.ppr 00000064
setp sim-encoder.0.scale 1
setp sim-encoder.1.ppr 00000064
setp sim-encoder.1.scale -1
setp sim-encoder.2.ppr 00000064
setp sim-encoder.2.scale -1
setp sim-encoder.make-pulses.tmax 0
setp sim-encoder.update-speed.tmax 0
# Enable jog for X Y Z
setp axis.0.jog-enable TRUE
setp axis.1.jog-enable TRUE
setp axis.2.jog-enable TRUE
# Attach realtime functions to threads
addf encoder.capture-position servo-thread
addf sim-encoder.update-speed servo-thread
addf encoder.update-counters base-thread
addf sim-encoder.make-pulses base-thread
# Here are two examples on how to attach some functions to joypad buttons. We will use Halui pins
for the
# second example.
# Scale button
# we set two buttons (6 and 4) to choose the jogscale value. Pressing button 6 will set the scale to
# while pressing button 4 will set it to 0.1.
# Components
# We will use a two values selector and a flipflop component
loadrt mux2
loadrt flipflop
# Link between buttons and flipflop, flipflop will output TRUE when rising edge is detected on set
pin, FALSE
# when rising edge is on reset pin.
net button4 joypad.button.4 => flipflop.0.reset
net button6 joypad.button.6 => flipflop.0.set
# Link between flipflop and mux2, mux2 will output value mux2.0.in0 when mux2.0.sel is FALSE
and mux2.0.in1
# when TRUE.
net selected flipflop.0.out => mux2.0.sel
# Link between the mux2 output and the jogscale pin for X Y Z
net jogscale mux2.0.out => axis.0.jog-scale
net jogscale mux2.0.out => axis.1.jog-scale
net jogscale mux2.0.out => axis.2.jog-scale
# Set parameters values
setp flipflop.0.tmax 3750
setp mux2.0.tmax 3601
# Set the two scale values
setp mux2.0.in0 0.1
setp mux2.0.in1 0.01
# Attach realtime functions to threads
addf flipflop.0 servo-thread
addf mux2.0 servo-thread
# Flood button
# We will set a single button (button 7) to start and stop flood. We will use Halui pins for that.
# Components
# We will use simply two and2 and 1 not components
#loadrt and2 count=2
#loadrt not
# Flood-is-on halui pin is linked to the and2.0.in0 and the not-flood-is-on, generated using the not
# is linked to the and2.1.in0. So, if the flood is on, we will have and2.0.in0 TRUE and and2.1.in0
#net flood-is-on => and2.0.in0
#net flood-is-on =>
#net not-flood-is-on not.0.out => and2.1.in0
# Link between button 7 and and.0.in1 and and.1.in1. In this way, if the flood for example is on,
when the
# button is pressed TRUE will be sent to and2.0.in1 and and2.1.in1, while the in0 value for and2
# will be TRUE for the first and2 and FALSE for the second. So the first and2 will output TRUE.
#net button7 joypad.button.7 => and2.0.in1
#net button7 joypad.button.7 => and2.1.in1
# Link between and2 outputs and halui pin flood on and off. So, as seen above, if the flood is on, the
# will output TRUE and the flood will turn off.
#net floodOff and2.0.out =>
#net floodOn and2.1.out => halui.flood.on
# Attach realtime functions to threads
#addf and2.0 servo-thread
#addf and2.1 servo-thread
#addf not.0 servo-thread
#Exemplo para a programação dos meus botões
#No botão zero do joystick executa G28
net remote-home-all halui.mdi-command-04 <= joypad.button.0
#No botão hum do joystick executa G0 X0Y0Z10
net remote-tool-home halui.mdi-command-05 <= joypad.button.1
#No botão dois do joystick executa G0 X0Y0Z0
net remote-zero-all halui.mdi-command-00 <= joypad.button.2
#No botão três do joystick executa G0 X0Y0Z80
net remote-tool-change halui.mdi-command-06 <= joypad.button.3
#No botão zero do joystick executa a continuação do código paralizado
net remote-resume halui.program.resum e <= joypad.button.5
#No botão zero do joystick executa a paralização do código em execução
net remote-stop halui.program.pause <= joypad.button.7
#No botão zero do joystick executa G92.3 para alterar o sistema de coordenadas do meu emc
net remote-tool-autozero halui.mdi-command-08 <= joypad.button.8
#No botão zero do joystick executa o código-G carregado no emc
net remote-start <= joypad.button.9
Se alguém tiver uma sugestão de como fazer o Ubuntu reconhecer o meu Joystick como o do Richard seria muito útil!