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The alkaloid was oldest isolated by German chemist Albert Niemann in 1859. Testily thereafter, it gained favour in Europe and the Merged States as a iatrical remedy. In the most recent 1800s, cocaine was used in diversified products, including the primitive formulation of Coca-Cola, marketed as a roborant for force and well-being. Physicians extolled its virtues, prescribing it after a inclusive array of ailments, including headaches, depression, and exact addiction to morphine.
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The illicit cocaine trade began to embellishment, particularly in the latter half of the 20th century. Colombian stimulant cartels emerged as forceful entities, smuggling cocaine into several countries and paramount to a worldwide drug crisis. This roll in availability resulted in increased addiction rates and tied up societal issues, including violence and corruption. The warfare on drugs became a centralized point for governments seeking to contest the critical time, but efforts have habitually fallen limited, chief to interminable challenges.
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